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I’m 1/3 AI expert, 1/3 entrepreneur, and 1/3 adventure seeker.


You can follow my journey and stay up to date on my latest workshops, project releases, and travels by following my instagram @JulianDiscovers.


"My life’s mission is to teach and inspire the next generation of individuals and businesses."


Passionate about reshaping education, I embarked on a mission to revolutionize learning paradigms when I founded Leap Year Learning. Fueled by a deep awareness of the shortcomings in traditional education, the pressing need for businesses to enhance workforce capabilities, and the knowledge gap faced by aspiring entrepreneurs, I recognized the urgent demand for change.


My journey spans over a decade in multiple industries…


Where I garnered accolades for award-winning documentaries at film festivals, led innovative approaches in education that have impacted over 385,000 students across 200+ countries, and transcended language barriers with learners representing over 60 different languages.


Recently, I’ve been featured in reputable publications such as…


LA Weekly, California Gazette, Economic Insider, Los Angeles Wire, Market Daily, Miami Wire, New York Wire, NY Weekly, Portland News, San Francisco Post, The Chicago Journal, US Business News, US Insider, Net Worth, CEO Weekly, and The Wall Street Times.


Additionally, my entrepreneurial journey reflects in crafting impactful educational courses.


Recognized companies, including Nasdaq, Eventbrite, Volkswagen, Aflac, Lyft, and Capital One, rely on my courses to enhance their employees' skill sets. Leap Year Learning proudly boasts the creation of the world's bestselling ChatGPT and AI course, featuring a portfolio of five bestsellers. Together, these courses attract hundreds of thousands of eager learners, watching over 25 million minutes of content annually, solidifying my legacy as a transformative educator and influential figure in online learning.